2015 will change... the world honors a Scottish darts giant
Oh man, I am really sorry that I did ignore my own blog for more than 2 years... shame on me. And I need to say that I only found my way back by chance... Indeed I was googling for a bottling of Benrinnes and found a link to - yeah, guess to where - to my own blog. This was a shocking moment - and a very dissapointing one too. I promise to be back now on a regular base and to post more. Tonight nevertheless I want to raise my glas for Gary Anderson, the new Darts world champion who won the title by defeating alltime emperor Phil Taylor in an epic 7-6 match in Ally Pally yesterday night. Not knowing about Gary's favorite malt I choose a fruity sparkling big sherried BenRiach - a 1996 cask 3610 bottling for Germany - one of my current favorites. Be back within short time as the good thing (if there is any) in a 2 years absence is the vast number of new topics that came up in the meantime ;-)
macphil am 06. Januar 15
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Long time no see
The good news is - I am back. The bad: I have been offline more than 2 months. Absolutely inexcusable if you do a blog I would say. My only excuse is that I have been to Scotland during this period, so prepare yourself to some very nice shots and pictures from our beloved distilleries. Additionally I am going to post some impressions from our trip. We spent some great days in Edinburgh, Ballater, Isle of Skye and Isle of Mull. The best malt I tried during the two weeks was a very nice GlenDronach which I was allowed to bottle in the Visitor's Center - a 1993 first-fill Oloroso sherry monster with some 60% - great whisky for relatively great value. So stay tuned and check for pictures and new topics during the next days!
macphil am 11. Juni 13
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Scotch whisky exports decrease in 2012
There have been several forecasts already on the decrease of Scotch single malt during the last months. Today, figures published by BBC confirm that apparently the golden times of Scotch whisky we saw over the last years might be over:
I really hope that the times of disproportional prizes will now also come to an end... Obviously less and less people are willing to pay fantasy prizes for their malt. Need an example? Only 3 years ago I paid around 100 Euros for a bottling of Highland Park, today you will have to pay more than 200. Another one? Just google prizes for any recent Port Ellen bottling, my first one 5 years ago was at 120 Euro. Same happens to Talsiker 25 or others, I could name many many more. The sales indeed are effected with the standard 10-12-16-18 years old bottlings which have only increased smoothly - but as they are sold on large scales they make the biggest parts of the profit of the distiling companies - next to the proportion dedicated for the blending industry.
Malt whisky has unfortunately become en vogue during the last years and the whole industry was booming. As a result everything that could be sold was bottled, we saw (and still see) various no age statement bottlings, poor quality single casks and an artificial shortage by offering bottlings only to members of societies in order to make them more exclusive (and more expensive, of course). All this resulted in an increase in prizes and at least partially in a lack of quality. Those who suffer mostly from these tendencies are the malt aficionados looking for great and affordable bottlings... hopefully, the whisky bubble is bursting now, making single malt become again what it once was - a drink for lovers, not for speculators or en vogue people... Amen.
macphil am 03. April 13
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Top bottlings of my (with only approx. ten years still very young) whisky life
You have read a lot so far about my understanding of single malt whisky – I think you now really deserve to learn about the ten best whiskies that I tasted so far including my scores on my 20 points scale. Surprise surprise – the number one is no single malt but a single grain whisky. You doubt? Well, try to get a dram of this stunning Invergordon and fall into love…
1. Invergordon 38yo 1971, cask 3, Compass Box Hedonism, Limited Edition Bottling for 10th Anniversary of Compass Box Whisky Company, 120 bottles, 46% (18,75/19 points)
2. Ben Nevis 21yo 1990, cask 24, The Maltman, 46% (18,75/19 points)
3. Glen Elgin 35yo 1975, cask XX, The Whisky Exchange (18,75 points)
4. Talisker 20yo 1981, Limited Edition, 9.000 bottles, 62% (18,5 points)
5. Benrinnes 14yo 1996, cask 6463, 281 bottles, 56,1% (18,5 points)
6. Port Ellen 29yo 1982, The Golden Cask, cask CM 170, 60 bottles, 55,7% (18,5 points)
7. Bunnahabhain 32yo 1978, Murray McDavid Mission, 810 bottles, 52,3% (18,5 points)
8. Caol Ila 28yo 1980 Murray McDavid Mission Gold Series, 1.189 bottles, 55,4% (18,5 points)
9. Glenfarclas 9yo 2002 limited bottling for Kirchhellener Private Tasting Circle, casks 2655/2658, 667 bottles, 55,1% (18,5 points)
10. GlenDronach 9yo 2003 selected by and bottled for whiskykanzler.de, cask 3999, 702 bottles, 56,8% (18,5 points)
macphil am 31. März 13
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International Whisky Day
Yesterday was the International Whisky Day - a day to honor Michael Jackson, one of the greatest whisky writers of all times who died 6 years ago in 2007. His "Malt Whisky Companion" inspired generations of malt aficionados (me included). As Michael was "Mr. Macallan" I thought I would have a dram of his favorite malt - until I realized that I didn't have any Macallan at home... damn! My solution: a lovely Glenglassaugh 23yo 1984 Wilson and Morgan - big sherried malt and a wonderfuld dram to honor a VIP of malt whisky - Sláinte Michael - wherever you are now (I hope you can proft from the angel's share above Scotland!)... :-)
Source and more information: http://www.internationalwhiskyday.org
macphil am 29. März 13
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World Whisky Award 2013 by Whisky Magazine
For whom it might interest... here are the best whisk(e)ies of the year according to Whisky Magazine - incredible, especially when you see the category world's best single malt... I highly recommend to set-up your own list asap ;-)
Main categories:
World's Best Blended Whisky Hibiki 21 Years Old
World's Best North American Whiskey George T. Stagg 71,30%
World's Best Blended Malt Whisky Mars Maltage 3 Plus 25, 28 Years Old
World's Best Grain Whisky Cape Mountain Whisky
World's Best Single Malt Whisky Ardbeg Galileo
World's Best Whisky Liqueur Speyside Whisky Liqueur 40 Years Old (MOM)
Sub categories:
Best African Single Malt Three Ships 10 Years Old
Best American Single Malt The Notch 10 Years Old
Best Asian Single Malt Kavalan Solist Fino
Best Australian Single Malt Sullivans Cove French Oak Cask
Best Campbeltown Single Malt Longrow
Best European Single Malt Armorik Double Maturation
Best Highland Single Malt Glenmorangie Quarter Century
Best Irish Single Malt Tyrconnell Single Malt Sherry Finish
Best Islands Single Malt Talisker Distiller's Edition
Best Islay Single Malt Ardbeg Galileo
Best Japansese Single Malt Yamazaki 25 Years Old
Best Lowland Single Malt Glenkinchie 12 Years Old
Best Speyside Single Malt The Balvenie 30 Years Old
macphil am 25. März 13
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Top 5 Official Bottlings unfortunately not in the bang-for-your-buck category (but fantastic ones nonetheless!)
For those who are waiting ;-) Here is my additonal top 5 list of Original Bottljngs above 80 Euros. The reason why I post this top 5 separately from yesterday's list is simple: These bottlings here are great malts but they are surely not in the bang-for-your-buck category... And there is even a higher class like the Ardbeg Single Casks, Port Ellen, Brora or old Springbank, Bowmore, Lagavulin or Talisker OBs but so far in my life I haven't been able to try any of them as most of them go in the 500€ + region - too much for Schnaps in my humble opinion... not to forget my philosophy of concentrating myself only on available bottlings :-)
So here we go:
1. Highland Park 25yo (I loved the old version with 50,7%, my first expensive bottling with around 110 Euro, today it is much higher)
2. Laphroaig 25yo (I only tried the non cask strength version at 40%, a fantastic dram already - don't even imagine the cask strength bottling...)
3. Amrut Intermediate Sherry - fantastic sherried whisky, incredible taste - grab a bottle if you can, maximum recommendation and not too expensive (around 85-90 Euro)
4. Talisker 25yo (unfortunately the new bottling from 2013 is no longer in cask strength which will surely affect the quality - so try to grab one of the former versions)
5. The Glenlivet Archive 21yo (a very "aristocratic" dram, offers all you ask for in a good whisky, old school)
macphil am 22. März 13
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My top 10 Official Bottlings offering great value for money
Please remind the headline – I do not claim that there are no better Official Bottlings. The ones I list are my personal winners in the category great value for money; you may have some completely different ones in your own list and that’s perfectly fine. So here we go - for prizes please check online, all are below 80 Euros (there will be another list within the next days with my 5 personal favorites going beyond this limit).
1. GlenDronach 15yo Revival - fantastic, big Sherry, full bodied
2. Springbank Rundlets & Kilderkins - very rich, malty, salty, light smoke
3. Amrut Fusion - try yourself, you will never believe that this is Indian single malt
4. Ardbeg Ten - a true classic, smoky, great whisky
5. Talisker Distiller's Edition - perfect balance, great combination of Talisker and Sherry (Amoroso)
6. Laphroaig 18 - replaces the old 15yo - a very complex Laphroaig, offering much more than just peat and smoke
7. GlenDronach Cask Strength - another one in this list... this one offers maximum sherry for a very friendly price
8. Lagavulin 16yo - will not be excluded from any best of list, I guess
9. Glenfarclas 21 yo - the best standard Glenfarclas in my opinion
10. Longrow CV - a very nice smokiness, salty and great balance
macphil am 20. März 13
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Kreative Küche für Whiskyfans (sorry, only in German, own article published in German local newspaper ;-))
Auf Einladung der „Lossemer Whiskyfreunde“ kreierte Whiskykoch Chris Pepper im Hockenheimer Hotel Ramada ein Vier-Gänge-Menü. Das Besondere: Der gebürtige Engländer kocht nicht Essen mit Whisky, er kocht Essen zum Whisky. Seine Gerichte sollen die einzigartigen Aromen des jeweiligen Single Malt auf den Teller bringen, ohne jedoch den Whisky als Zutat zu gebrauchen.
Wenn sich Whiskykoch Chris Pepper und seine Frau Marion aus Darmstadt zum Whiskydinner die Ehre geben, eilen Whiskybegeisterte und Gourmets herbei, um gemeinsam einen abwechslungsreichen, genussvollen Abend zu verbringen. So geschehen am vergangenen Samstag, 19. Januar, als sich rund 30 Teilnehmer auf Einladung der „Lossemer Whiskyfreunde“ bereits zum zweiten Mal nach 2012 im Hotel Ramada in Hockenheim einfanden. Das Besondere an Chris Peppers Konzept ist, dass er nicht einfach passende Whiskies zum Essen aussucht, sondern eigens Gerichte zu den Whiskies kreiert, welche die Gastgeber ihm vorgeben. „Christ kocht dabei niemals mit Whisky“, betont Gattin und Geschäftspartnerin Marion, „sondern zum Whisky. Der Whisky wird immer getrunken, nie verkocht.“ Chris versuche lediglich, die spezifischen Aromen des jeweiligen Whiskys mit Hilfe verschiedenster Zutaten auf den Teller zu bringen. Zum würzig-fruchtigen Ben Nevis, gereift im Sherryfass, kreierte der gebürtige Engländer beispielsweise eine raffinierte Zucchini- und Pastinaken-Quiche auf Salatbett mit Mango-Aprikosendressing. Ein weiteres Highlight beim Whisky-Dinner: Vor jedem Gang trägt Chris dem Publikum höchstpersönlich seineTasting-Notizen zum Whisky vor, erläutert die Assoziationen, die er beim Probieren hatte, da sie die Grundlage für seine Kochkreationen darstellen. „Volltreffer“, sind sich die meisten Teilnehmer einig und riechen – im Fachjargon „nosen“ nochmal andächtig am Whiskyglas: Woher kommt die Assoziation mit dem Wurzelgemüse, ist die Mango, die Aprikose tatsächlich im Glas zu erriechen, zu erschmecken? So lassen sich ganz nebenbei auch noch die eigene Wahrnehmung und der eigene Geschmacksinn schulen.
Dass nicht nur die Schotten guten Whisky machen können, beweist ein Amrut Single Malt aus Indien, der die exotischen Gerüche seiner Heimat aufgesogen zu haben scheint: Entsprechend serviert der Whiskykoch dazu ein Tandoori-Chicken auf Korianderreis mit Ingwer-Limetten-Pickle und Minzjoghurt. Am besten kommen an diesem Abend jedoch zwei andere Whisky-Gericht-Kombinationen an, obwohl sie unterschiedlicher nicht sein könnten: Zum einen ist da der junge Laphroaig, dessen nussig-rauchige Aromen in einer kräftigen Fenchelsuppe mit Käse und gerösteten Mandelsplittern ihren Ausdruck finden. Zum anderen der 13-jährige, im Oloroso-Sherryfass gereifte, Benrinnes, dessen weihnachtliche „Nase“ ein gedämpftes Früchte-Nuss-Biskuit mit Sherry-Creme wunderbar zur Geltung bringt. Zwischen den einzelnen Gängen gibt Marion Pepper Insiderwissen zu den ausgewählten Whiskies preis und unterhält die Gäste. Die sind hochzufrieden und von Chris‘ Kochkünsten rundum begeistert. „Tolle Kombi“, kommt es aus einer Ecke, „ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass Whisky und Essen so gut harmonieren “, ist von einem anderen Tisch zu vernehmen. Einig jedenfalls sind sich alle Teilnehmer am Ende eines Abends voller Genüsse – „Wir kommen wieder – nächstes Jahr!“ Klemens Vogel und Mathias Cron, die Organisatoren der Lossemer Whiskyfreunde , freut‘s – ihr Engagement hat sich gelohnt.
Kontakt: www.lossemer-whiskyfreunde.de und www.whiskykoch.de
macphil am 20. März 13
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Does age matter?
There are many people outside there who think that a good single malt whisky has to be or a certain age before it can be a good whisky. I think this thesis is complete rubbish. Good whisky is no question of age. The only criteria that are important for good whisky are good ingredients (water, barley) and good casks for the maturation. I would even go so far and claim that there are more old whiskies that suffer from too much wood influence than there are young whiskies less than 10 years just ripe for drinking. Believe me or not there are great whiskies out there that are young of age. I will give you each five examples of great young whisky worth trying and partially still available on the market from official bottlers and independent ones through all regions – I will not score them, go out and get them for your own trying!
Official bottlings:
• Auchentoshan Valinch (cask strength, batches around 35 Euro)
• Laphroaig Quarter Cask, 48% (around 35 Euro)
• Port Charlotte An Turas Mor, 46% (around 35-40 Euro)
• Longrow CV, 46% (around 35 Euro)
• Springbank Rundlets & Kilderkins, 10yo, 49,4% (around 70-75 Euro – not very cheap but absolutely stunning whisky!)
• Amrut Fusion, 50% (around 35 Euro, Indian single malt, absolutely worth trying and recommendation of the day, great stuff!)
Independent bottlings (I have to admit that the Bunna, Glentauchers and Tamdhu may be difficult to find):
• Bowmore 10yo 1999, Douglas Laing, The Old Malt Cask, 46% (regular series, so there is no special cask number that I would recommend, around 40 Euro)
• Bunnahabhain 5yo 1997, Murray McDavid Silver Tin, 46%, 1.200 bottles (no cask number available on the label as vatting of different casks, around 35 Euro)
• Classic of Islay (single cask bottlings of youngish Lagavulin), Jack Wieber’s World of Whisky, all cask strength (around 35-40 Euro)
• Smokehead (youngish Ardbeg), Ian Macleod, 43 % (no cask number available as batches of vatted casks, around 30 Euros). By the way – Smokehead Extra Black is a fantastic whisky as well (18 yo vatted Ardbeg) but doesn’t really fit into this category as prizes are around 80-85 Euro ;-)
• Glentauchers 7yo 2003, A.D. Rattray, Cask Collection, 60,5%, cask 900610 (around 55 Euro)
• Tamdhu 7yo 2004, The Ultimate Whisky Company, The Ultimate, 52,9%, cask 5439 (around 55-60 Euro)
All these bottles offer great bang for your buck. And I could have listed many more without problem. They are all younger or at least not older than 10 years. You see – there is no best age for whisky – the quality of ingredients used in the distilling and the casks defines when it is mature and ready to be enjoyed.
macphil am 16. März 13
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Best value for money series of Independent Bottlers (Top ten list)
This is a very personal listing based on my experiences so far and surely far away from being complete. I only included indie bottlers here from whom I have at least tried five good bottlings in order to be able to give a more or less qualified statement. And following my search for the best value for money that offer great malts for reasonable prizes – there are fantastic series which I like pretty much which haven’t made it to my list because of their ambitious prizes. So don’t compare my listing with your own experience, see it as what it is – a personal list of one of all the malt aficionados out there looking for a good and fairly prized dram ;-) And don’t forget – I am focusing on the series rather than on the whole portfolio of these bottlers. Maybe one day I will be able to give an overview over the best indie bottlers – independently from the series they offer and the prizes.
Enough said, here we go (in alphabetical order, don’t interpretate too much ;-)):
• A.D. Rattray – Cask Collection: cask strength single malts, great bottlings around
• Anam na-h Alba: cask strength single malts, some very good bottlings
• Bladnoch Distillery – Bladnoch Forum Bottlings: cask strengts single malts
• Cadenhead – Authentic Collection: cask strength single malts from the oldest independant bottler from Campbeltown
• Caminneci & Schrauth – C&S Dram Collection: cask strength series, very nice single malts in this collection
• Meadowside Blending – The Maltman: single casks, bottled at 46%, new series by Donald Hart (former CEO of Hart Brothers)
• Murray McDavid – Gold and Silver Tin Series: mainly finished in wine casks, selected by Jim McEwan, godfather of Bruichladdich Distillery
• Signatory Vintage – The Unchillfiltered Collection: bottled at 46%, vatted bottlings, some rare and hidden gems around (I am specially thinking of a 15yo Imperial and a 14yo Glenlivet)
• The Whisky Exchange – Elements of Islay: THE Islay single malt collection at cask strength, unfortunately in 0,5l bottles
• Villa Konthor - Whisky & Chocolate Series: Very nice single cask bottlings in cask strength in combination with the right chocolate for each malt, made by a professional chocolatier – a great experience and highly recommended!
There are many others that offer fairly priced bottlings like Berry Brothers & Rudd, David Stirk's Exclusive Malts, The Golden Cask by Mr. Whisky, the Ultimate Whisky Company or Weiser Private Collection, but I wanted to focus on the ones from whom I have tasted enough bottlings to feel being in the position of fairly judging. As always, these are my own personal impressions, of course.
macphil am 16. März 13
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Only focus on Islay whiskies?
Bullshit. Islay whiskies are building their own class of course but there are many other brilliant single malts out on the market. It would be much too simple to only focus yourself and your whisky life on Islay, you will miss many nice experiences. Have you ever tried a zesty grapy Clynelish from the Northern Highlands or a sherry monster from Glenfarclas or GlenDronach? What about a tropical fruity Imperial or a salty-malty Springbank that nearly breaks the glass because of its power and strength? Peaty whiskies indeed are offering another dimension to a single malt but it is definitely not the only interesting one to try. Whisky is so complex - it’s really worth trying all regions and all types of cask finishes, from sherry to wine or even other distillates like Cognac. Enjoy this journey, it will probably never end! By the way, I also love an ultra-clean Bowmore or a well-balanced Bunnahabhain, not to forget the other great Islay malts of course ;-)
macphil am 16. März 13
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Habemus Papam! Habemus Single Malt...
I dedicated a very nice dram of Port Ellen (24yo 1983, Cask 4127, McGibbon's Provenance) to the honor of the new pope, Jorge Mario Bergoglio from Argentina. Good luck, Franciscus (or better Francisco). Don't get me wrong, I am not at all believing (additionally I am protestant) but I acknowledge your importance as a moral instance. And I hope that a pope from Latin America will be able to find the right way of modernizing the Catholic Church smoothly by giving the right answers to the most urgent challenges. If you manage to follow and fulfill the high expectations that go along with the name Franciscus you choose for yourself, then this dram of Port Ellen will for sure not be the last one I dedicate to you. So sláinte mhath, Francisco!
macphil am 13. März 13
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Do I have favourite distilleries?
... well that's a difficult question. First of all I have not tasted enough malts from all distilleries to answer to this question correctly. I think you should at least try a minimum of ten bottlings from various years of destillation and from different casks to really be able to judge whether you like the overall character and the overall profile of a distillery. So far I have only identified three distilleries where I can definitely answer with a clear YES to the character and YES to the profile (jummie...) - these are Bunnahabhain, Port Ellen and Clynelish. By the way - this does not automatically mean that my favourite bottlings would also come from the same distilleries - there are single gems from other distilleries which I scored even higher, I am talking about... hm, no, I will not go on now - let's wait for the right moment ;-) But that's what is one of the great characteristicas of single malt whisky - there is hardly bad malt. Other great distilleries (my second choice, so to say) which I like are Springbank, Laphroaig, GlenDronach and Glenfarclas.
macphil am 12. März 13
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What you will not find in this blog...
As I already pointed out you will mostly not find any tasting not from very old and expensive bottlings. Not that I wouldn't like to taste them but I rather dedicate my money to great value-for-money bottlings. Additionally I am not going to explain the production process or any technical information from the distilleries. There are many experts out there with excellent pages and sites so I don't need to repeat. For those who are looking for basic information I warmly advise to the Maltmadness Whisky Blog where you will find very good basic information:
http://www.maltmadness.com/malt-whisky/beginners-guide-to-scotch.html. Additionally there is a lot of very good literature out there which you will in short time also find in a special section in this blog. As I am a lover of single malts you will probably not find Bourbon, Rye, Irish or other World Whisky - even if there's lots of high quality stuff on the market. Last but not least don't expect too many tasting notes - I see this blog as a wide platform for various topics around whisky - not just for notes. I will stop now - before you might decide to not read any of this rubbish anymore - too negative ;-)
macphil am 12. März 13
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What you can expect from this blog...
Many whisky experts and bloggers try to capture as many malts from former glorious times as possible. Of course I agree that there have been incredible whiskies in the 60ies, 70ies or partially also in the 80ies of the last century - who would not think of 64 Bowmores or 70ies Arbegs (just to mention two examples). But trying to get a bottling of these gems has become very difficult (and for reasonable prices even impossible). Additionally I will never be able in dramming my way through all these malts from the former times or in discovering all their beauty... I would surely be frustrated soon ;-) So why not focus on today's whiskies or at least bottles from the last 20-30 years that can still easily found and are affordable? I am future orientated, my whisky life has only started ten years ago and there is a lot to discover... maybe one day I will tell my grandchildren of the 2020ies Glenwhatsoevers that have been truly great. So I decided to not wasting time, money and too much nostalgy into the golden former times but to rather focus on the incredible number of good malts that we can choose from every day and in the future - this is the first thing you can expect. Addtionally you will mainly find independent bottlings as I fell in love with these fellows due to the (mainly) cask strengthed and unchillfiltered characters that still many official bottlings lack. Last but not least I can only invest "small" money due to budget reasons (I told you I was married ;-)). This means that I concentrate my search for THE one single malt rather mainly throughout the whiskies which offer very good "bang for your buck" as our American friends would call it. You will never find any bottling in here that I spent more than 200 Euros for (ok, sometimes I get cheaper samples and not the whole bottlings - but you can do that as well, can't you?). Most of the bottles are even between 60 and 100 Euros - a category which often offers excellent quaility. Stop, enough said - I think you got the message: Recent bottlings mostly from independant bottlers and great quality for reasonable money are the key drivers I am interested in when it comes to scoring single malts.
macphil am 12. März 13
0 Kommentare
My personal way of scoring Whisky
Throughout the whisky world there are many different ways of scoring whisky. The most common one is the 100 points scale. Many of the most important bloggers and whisky experts use this system, dedicating up to a maximum of 25 points for each the nose, tongue, mouthfeel and aftertaste. This score is reasonable and quite fair I must say, as even a whisky with a weak nose eg can get a good score if it scores well in the other categories. But it is also complicated and quite complex as it requires a quite professional way of tasting and a very systematic approach in order to fulfill to the system. Too complicated for me as I want to enjoy whisky on a more easy and unconventional way. I rely much more on my first impressions once I got a whisky in my glass. I rather judge the overall impression and the combination of nose, taste and aftertaste - only a good balance of these three make a whisky a good whisky - in my personal view, of course. This is why my scores go up to a maximum of 20 points and are not divided into different criteria. I give comprehensive scores and divide whisky into the following five categories:
Up to 10 points: whisky worth trying but no more
10,5-12 points: quality is ok, solid
12,5-14 points: good whiskies
14,5-16: very good whiskies
16,5-18: excellent to stars
Above 18: megastars
I have to admit that so far I have never given a score higher than 19 - the journey of finding THE whisky of my life is still going on... Maybe one day I will score the 20, we will see. So please don't take my score for serious, it's just a way of evaluating what I got in my glass :-)
macphil am 11. März 13
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About this blog
My passion for single malt whisky and my affinity to Scotland and its beautiful landscape made me think of starting my own blogging activities. It all started roughly ten years ago when I was sitting on my couch on a cold Sunday evening and tasted my first single malt - rather by accident as I was looking for a digestif. For lack of Vodka or other alcohol, I opened a bottle of Glenfiddich 12 years old, an old bottle that my parents brought along as gift some years before and that I had never opened. The experience of tasting this malt was incredible and opened my eyes for whisky. During the months that followed I increased the number of bottlings and started to read and inform myself about this drink. Today, ten years later, I am the proud owner of more than 150 bottles, mainly from independent bottlers, dozens of books, jugs, glasses, an empty Bowmore cask and other collectors' items. Whisky has become an all-dominant part of my life, my calendar is dominated by tastings, trade fairs and forum activities. Besides my passion for whisky and mostly single malts I am married to a wonderful wife, we have two cats and live near Heidelberg in Germany. I am 36 and work in communications for a big German company.
By the way - this blog is not meant to be a multiplier of press releases or news by the industry. There are many blogs out there where you will find daily updated news from the whisk(e)y world and which are truly great. Only if I really see a need you will find such information - but this blog is rather about my commentsbut and my ideas. I will from now on share tasting notes, ideas, pictures and many other things on whisky with you on a regular base - I hope you will enjoy! Sláinte mhath.